Man suffering with bipolar disorder and depression

Discerning the Difference- Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Bipolar disorder is often confused with depression mainly because it includes depressive episodes. They have other similarities that can muddy the water and cause further confusion. Discerning the difference between bipolar disorder and depression starts with understanding each’s symptoms. Bipolar and Depression Symptoms The main difference between the two is that bipolar refers to opposite …

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Learn more about myths of bipolar disorder

Bust The Myths of Bipolar Disorder

1 in 5 Americans has a mental health condition, with approximately 2 million individuals affected by bipolar disorder. There’s a lot of misconceptions about mental health in general. This can cause a lot of treatment, social and emotional-related problems. One way to fight against the stigma of bipolar disorder is to bust some of the …

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Learn more about bunions and how clinical studies can help you deal with them

Pain is Only the Beginning with Bunions

Bunions form when the bone and joint in the big toe shift out of alignment from years of abnormal motion and pressure. They run in families and can be the result of ill-fitting shoes and other medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, without treatment, they will worsen over time. Bunions are more than a cosmetic …

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Learn more about having bunions

A Bone to Pick About Bunions

Hallux vagus sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but it is the medical term for bunions. Bunions are growths that change the foot structure, causing severe pain in many cases. You may have a bone to pick about your bunions, but how they are caused may surprise you. A Toe Under Pressure Bunions slowly …

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Healthy senior with granddaughter

5 Ways to Stay Healthy as You Age

Fifty-seven years ago, the very first American Heart Month began. Since then, February marks the time when we focus our lenses on everything heart health. Keeping our body in good health during our later years is a relevance that never goes away. Instead, it increases with every passing year. There’s no time like now to …

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Learn how to deal with bad mental health

Is Mental Health on Your Resolution List?

Stress, uncertainty, fear, and grief became a part of us all in 2020 and still clings to most. It’s a new year and a perfect time to resolve to take care of your mind, along with your body. 2020 took a toll on people’s mental health. Joining research studies are one way to help get …

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Reasons for seniors to participate in clinical trials

5 Reasons to Participate in a Clinical Trial!

Retirement looks a little different for everyone. The general idea is to take it easy and enjoy stopping to smell the flowers. You have all these plans for what you want to accomplish, but most struggle to find ways to keep busy in time. Volunteering is what many turn to, filling their time, hearts, and …

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Group of hands locked together for type 2 diabetes

T2 Diabetes: Creating Awareness for a Growing Epidemic

Over 460 million people around the world have diabetes. It is in the top 10 causes of death and is estimates show grow to over 570 million diagnosed by 2030. That is half a billion people, and there’s no question why diabetes is a global issue. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is the most common form, and in …

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Kidney-friendly Thanksgiving tips, clinical research, kidney disease,

Tips for a Kidney-Friendly Thanksgiving

If you have kidney disease damage, it means your kidneys can’t filter the way they should. Those with this chronic disease are typically on diet restrictions, and many are getting dialysis too. It can be overwhelming to manage everything in a typical week, but it can seem impossible during the holidays. A kidney-friendly Thanksgiving is …

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Apply to participate in a study of an investigational medication for schizophrenia


Apply to participate in a study of an investigational pain medication following a bunion removal


Apply to participate in a study of an investigational medication for Bipolar Disorder


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